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Pile Extraction

For extracting piles we have a number of options available: vibro extraction via a crane suspended, or excavator mounted, vibrator – or they can be pulled out using the Kowan Still Worker.
Whether you’ve installed tubes/temporary casings, sheet piles, or timber piles, we have a range of piling equipment to assist in their extraction.

The type of piling equipment used for extraction will depend on a few things:

Where noise and vibrations are a concern, for sheet pile extraction, the Still Worker pile press is perfect since it produces virtually none. The pile press is also ideal for use where there is restricted access. This is because the Still Worker can self-travel along the piles and a crane is only required to lift the pile out of the chuck once it has been extracted.

The size and type of pile being extracted is a consideration. For trench sheets or small sheet piles the excavator mounted vibratory hammer would be utilised. For tubes/temporary casings, sheet, timber or concrete piles, a bigger crane suspended vibratory hammer would do the job.

The ground conditions will also help determine which method to use, but it is always best to speak to one of our experts who will be able to recommend the perfect solution for your site.

For the more difficult jobs, where piles are refusing, we are able to supply jetting equipment that loosens the surrounding soil.

Case Studies

Case Study: Vibro Extraction of Concrete Piles

Our PVE 25M crane suspended vibratory hammer was used in a quay refurbishment project in Aberdeen. It was required to extract old concrete piles of unknown length and age which were blocking the line of the new quay wall. The tops of these were some 5 metres below water level so underwater divers were used to guide the vibrator into position and locate onto the pile.

The vibrator was fitted with a special clamp for this application and a snorkel hose connected to the gearbox breather. The client was successful in removing all the obstructing piles with this system.

Case Study: Pulling Power

A project to install tanks under the forecourt of a petrol station involved the use of our ZU-100 Still Worker. A cofferdam was constructed, the soil removed and the tanks were placed and covered. As the site was in a built up area, and the pile press creates virtually no noise or vibrations, the Still Worker was then used to extract the ‘U’ piles by pulling them out using reactionary force.

Case Study: Jet Powered Extraction

As part of an upgrade to one of Europe’s largest sewage treatment works, our customer installed a temporary AZ36-700 pile wall using a hydraulic vibratory hammer and an impact hammer. This wall enabled installation of twin outfall pipelines before our PVE 25M crane suspended vibratory hammer was employed to extract the piles.

The suction of the mud proved too much and the piles were refusing. One call to our hire department and our water jetting kit was sent down to assist. It worked a treat and the job was quickly back up and running.

How can we help?

“Contact us today to discuss your piling plant requirements with our expert team.”

01473 748652