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Bespoke Solutions

We like working with our customers and we are always helping them to find ways round any piling problems that may arise in the course of a project.

Listening and Problem Solving

Our engineering team are very experienced and can normally assist in finding a bespoke solution should the need arise. We are here to work closely with you to design a solution to any piling problems you may have. Below are a few examples of what we have achieved with our customers:

The Problem – Noise

A customer came to us because they were having to use a hydraulic hammer due to soil conditions and the type of pile they were driving but they were close to a residential area which meant they needed to keep the noise levels down.

The Solution

We developed an acoustic shroud that would reduce the impact of the noise on the residents.

The Problem – No officially recognised training programme for Still Worker operators

An industry problem – UK health and safety policy dictates that all plant should only be operated by a competent person but there was no qualification to prove that was the case.

The Solution

We developed a Still Worker training course which has been approved by the CITB.

The Problem – Tying new piles to existing piles

The first new ‘Z’ pile had to be ‘tied’ into the existing 500 mm wide ‘U’ pile wall in order to start the pressing procedure using a Still Worker ZU-100. However, 500 mm wide ‘U’ sections are one of the few ‘U’ sections the ZU-100 clamps cannot be configured for.

The Solution

We designed a reaction platform to be welded onto the existing piles on which the ZU-100 was placed to install the first pile.

The Problem – Corroded AZ Pile Pans

Our customer approached us as they had pile pans to extract but they had corroded over the years.

The Solution

We engineered special jaws that gripped on to the interlock where it was not corroded.

How can we help?

“Contact us today to discuss your piling plant requirements with our expert team.”

01473 748652