PVE – Crane Suspended Vibrators – Ring Vibratory Hammers with Variable Moment
About Bell Amphibious Excavators
The excavator is fitted with large pontoons and is self propelled. It is most effective in waters less than 1.8 metres deep. However, additional pontoons can be added for more buoyancy if deeper waters are encountered.
How can we help?

“We can offer advice on the perfect amphibious excavator to fulfil your requirements and offer you a personalised quote.”
Specification Table
Our benefits to you

Bespoke Configuration
We can configure equipment to suit your requirements.

Dedicated Support

Modern Equipment
About Bell

Their field of expertise is largely focussed on amphibious excavators, cutter suction dredgers, heavy-duty dredge pumps, special dredge tools and process and production instrumentation. They have a network of dealers worldwide with over 45 and service hubs worldwide – of which Watson & Hillhouse is one.
They also have a complete rental fleet which we can tap into with our full support package.