Home » Piling & Foundation Equipment » Piling Vibrators » Özkanlar – Excavator Mounted Vibrator – High Frequency

Özkanlar – Excavator Mounted Vibrator – High Frequency

About Özkanlar – Excavator Mounted Vibrator – High Frequency

This range of hydraulic vibratory hammers is designed to be mounted directly on the dipper arm of excavators and powered by the hydraulic system of the excavator. The hammer is then operated by the excavator driver, who has complete control of the piling job.

The simplicity of the operation is a key feature of these machines; the interchange from bucket or other tool to vibratory hammer is quick and straight forward, and they can be used to drive or extract piles without any modification. All machines in the OVR series are compact in design with low machine height providing additional sheet length.

How can we help?

“We can offer a variety of excavator-mounted vibrators including equipment for restricted spaces. Call us to discuss your project and we’ll match you with the right equipment.”

01473 748652


Excavator Mounted Vibrators

OVR S-40

Eccentric Moment (kgm)3.66
Max. Centrifugal Force (kN)303
Max. Frequency (rpm)2750
Available to buy?No
Available to rent?Yes
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Specification Table

ModelOVR S-40
Available to buyNo
Available to hireYes
Technical Specifications
Eccentric Moment (kgm)3.66
Max. Centrifugal Force (kN)303
Max. Frequency (rpm)2750
Max. Amplitude (mm)10.2
Max. Static Line Pull (kN)88
Max. Oil Flow (L/min)110
Dynamic Weight - ex Clamp/Hoses (kg)717
Total Weight - ex Clamp/Hoses (kg)1008
L x W x H (mm)950 x 682 x 1210
Additional information
Specification Sheet Download
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Most of our vibratory piling equipment can be configured to suit your requirements.

We have a range of commonly used add-ons that can overcome various every-day piling challenges and these can be found on the right.

If you’re not sure what you need, just call us. We’ll be happy to help.

Models can be fitted with

Extension Hoses

Allows for a greater distance between the power pack and the hammer..

Timber Box Clamps

For driving and extracting of timber/concrete piles.

Sheet Clamp

For driving and extracting sheet piles/’H’ piles/CFA cages.

Hydraulic Vibratory Hammer Pile Extension

Allows piles to be installed close to and underneath structures.

Tube Clamps

For driving and extracting tube.

Pile Types: Install and Extract

Z Single Piles

Z Double Piles

U Single Piles

U Double Piles

H Piles

Straight Web Sections

Tube Piles

Timber Piles

Concrete Piles

Trench Sheets

Box Piles

Further Info

  • Special solutions for different ground conditions and depths
  • Different clamp systems for different pile types
  • Can endure the most difficult loading conditions
  • Strong, high quality, long lasting and economical
  • Work close to highly sensitive structures or services
  • Work under water
  • High pulling force

Our benefits to you

Bespoke Configuration

We can configure equipment to suit your requirements.

Dedicated Support

We have a very experienced team who can deal with all your requirements efficiently and promptly.

Modern Equipment

We choose the best in technology and are always updating our equipment to keep a modern and reliable fleet.


About Özkanlar

Turkish company Özkanlar, has specialised in manufacturing vibratory pile drivers since 1987. Manufactured to EU standards these machines are designed by an experienced team through a combination of research and development.